I'm the creator of FOREVERMEKO.

Age 37, Male


Joined on 1/29/09

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TechLeSSWaYz's News

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - April 22nd, 2011

ok...where to begin... ok ill start with the stuff im barely working on. which is street fighter epic. sorry people but that flash will take some time.. I dont want to release that first but I did make a crappy picture of it. :/
that way you can get an idea of who will be getting there asses kicked lol...
the second project im actually WORKING on is Psylocke VS Arcueid. very fast paced fight. im almost half way with the over all fight.. i wont tell you the percentage because I dont even know myself :P *cough* if you've seen my hibiki vs senna flash and loved it then you'll most likely love this one. im having the same problem i did in that flash where one character has less moves than the other. alot less.. but im able to manage ya know? I dont have a picture of it now.. but ill update with one soon.
for now can you just check out my new photoshoped picture? :]

street fighter Epic update and more

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - January 26th, 2011

So I have finally started working on flash. So far its going great. I have the story down, all the characters, and all the sounds/songs. My only real problem is the background. Im debating if I want to change it or keep it the same.
New characters you will see in this final episode is holy ryu and ken. for those who doesnt know who they are, there the opposite of evil ryu and ken. Of course you will see ryua nd ken fight akuma. I MIGHT fit evil sakura into this.... i can but i duno... I dont want to many evil and holy, then it will turn into some type of dragon ball z.. lol
also! all the characters that didnt get to shine in the previous episodes WILL be in this one. for example Terry. Also chun li is back for action :] but ibuki wont be in this one. it will drift off from the story... OK im not really sure what to talk about... besides the fact that this will be one epic flash!

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - January 18th, 2011

I have always done sprite animations and I have one more to finish "Street fighter Epic Ep. 6" then I probably wont make anymore unless its a collab with my friend. anyway.
Say titled, I'm starting a sonic the hedgehog animation tonight. Im not part of Sonic paradox. this is a lone wolf project. Its basically a Sonic "Vector" Animation. He'll be running through Green Hill zone in the most epic way I can put it. If anyone has played Sonic fan remix. it will be detailed like that BUT its vector blue like colored only.
I shall be using all of the sound effects used in the game. I have even picked out a remix to the zone. Before anyone asks, no tails or any other side character will be in it. if this animation is successful maybe ill add them in part 2. who knows.
I have been watching alot of Stick animations lately so I have the basic moment down for sonic. The main thing im worried about is how the zone will end. I want it to end the way it always has been back in the day.. but I want to add alittle more "sonic" to that part.
Anyway wish me lucky! tell me what you think of this idea please! thank you!

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - January 12th, 2011

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now before you even think it ill tell you now. THIS IS NO SCAM! I am a 22 year old man who is damn near poor and stumbled upon a great site. I will give you a proof link that its not a scam.
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Ok basically this video is about a website called Freebiejeebies. With this website you can get any games console,ipod, and other stuff for free. Basically you sign up using this link the link (thats the ipod link) the rest of the links are at the top right coner on that page) then you complete an offer from another company(some are free trials) I know what you are thinking, the same as I did when i first searched up about it... tis is fake.. its bull crap. they just want you to sign up. but let me just say..... THEY DO WANT YOU TO SIGN UP. and for a legit reason.
As you can see on there site There site there's alot of items at the bottom you can click. when you do, it tells you how many "referrals" you need to get to. referrals as in people to sing up. (like me) Once they sign up and complete an offer you get on referral. its that easy!! all i had to do was get 17 for the 64gig I-touch. and BAM they ship it to you. =/ you call that a scam??? yes its somewhat of a pyramid scheme. but when you understand how much they make off of the offers "we" do for them. it becomes clear of why its free for you.
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ill explain one more time...

0.Sign up here Site

1. On the offers page, take the intuit offer or Homestead offer.

2. Sign up to its free trial.(with the same info you used to sign up for freebiejeebie)

3. You do have to give credit card or debit card(solo) details, but as long as you cancel your account with them before the trial is over you will not get charged! (Even the postage is free)

4. those to offers are website building so just make your own site, play with it, publish it.

5. longer than 5 minutes >=/

6.Wait for them to confirm your offer.

7.Get the number of referrals needed for your free item.

8.Wait for the item to ship to you. :]
look im not just trying to get people to sign up right now... I JUST got an item in the mail. Now im trying to spread the word. people need to understand this sh*t is real!

D:< dont shush this post off... get your free item(s) if a poor guy like me can... you can to!
(sorry for typo's)

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - January 7th, 2011

So me and co writer daiku have been throwing out alot of ideas for the final episode. We have the general story but now we have to break it down and make sure it make sense since this will be a really long episode.
I cant really tell you what characters will be in this one but Ryu and Ken are required.
Ive also been playing alot of games so I have a general idea of what the action will be like. that probably doesn't make sense because games these days are 3-D and there's not much I can do with sprites..but trust me there's plenty of things I haven't put in yet ^ ^
Somehow I fixed my lag problem of street fighter ep. 5 by not checking on it for 2 days D: soooo yeeaahh... please watch? lol btw do you like my picture below? I made it ^ ^

Writing final episode

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - October 16th, 2010

For those who read my last post, i was making a animation called "School rumble". well that's not going to happen... when I started the first 20 secs of it, I realized it was retarded... SO! Im going to continue the "Street Fighter Epic" series. so far I have the first 20 secs.

I have the story, characters, effects, and backgrounds. all I need to do is get the sounds. which wont be hard for I recycle sound effects from all my animations : ] So i plan to do this animation alittle different from the rest. Usually I do all the frames, effects, and main sound effects. but this time im going to do frames for one scene, add the background effects.(lighting and shadow) then add the hit effects, then sounds. it sounds alittle harder that way but it really isnt...

as you can see below this episode is about Ibuki, one of my favorite street fighter characters. ^ ^ if you havent realized, shes fighting another ninja who will stay nameless in this post lol. I dont think i wanna tell you the story now... maybe the next post :] just enjoy the pics!

<img src="http://i88.photobucket.com/albums /k183/chibisonic/SFE5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

Change of plans

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - September 29th, 2010

I have started my project "School rumble". So far the loading screen(picture below) all the songs, menu, and every single sprite needed. which is over 2,500.. lol sooooo i can say so far so good.. well i had trouble with the menu put i got it down. As you can see below theirs alot of characters that will be fighting. and this isn't some 2 on 2. there all fighting at the same time... so its going to be crazy. ill be surprised if you one of you knows where these characters came from lol. by the way that's not all the characters you'll see.. there's secrets of course.
to be honest im hesitating on this flash... I dont want to f*ck up. but anyway I believe I should be done by December. alot of sh*t going on in life ya no? did I mention this is a series? no i didnt... lol i type on here as if i was really talking XD lol i dont even try to sound professional or anything! Im some dumb.

I have started a project

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - September 5th, 2010

During the first half of this year Ive released 3 animations. and I actually have 2 more typed on microsoft word, but im not going to start them. Since I have school now and I have alot of art commissions to do it wil be hard to even start. PLUS i have about 4 pictures I need to photoshop for myself... that will take awhile because those pictures have a really big resolution. (2000 x 3000) :[ maaaaan... lol
Oh well.. Ill be honest though.. if I get over 10 comments on this post saying I should stop whining and do the animation anyway I just might LOL. but I hardly get comments on here so I doubt it : ] Anyway!

hey! i have some key chains for sale there really cute so if anybody needs a present for thee girlfriend or just because you love the item here ya go!


Taking a animation break!

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - August 17th, 2010

Wow... hm... well my last sprite animation only got about 500 views and 9 reviews i was looking forward for more but I guess YOU guys were looking for more in the animation LOL! oh well... cant win them all right? : ] anyway... for those who hasn't seen it here it is. honestly Im out of thing to say for now so im going to just.... yeah! cyaaaaa :D

Last Animation

last sprite animation did bad lol

Posted by TechLeSSWaYz - March 13th, 2009