So everything is going smoothly with SHIFT3! I was going to start using after effect for the background and effects but I changed my mind. I'll just use Photoshop :) This post is really just to tell you folks that I'll be streaming SHIFT3 Monday - Friday at 11:30a - 3:00p (PST) Saturday and Sudany, I work on MEKOKEMEKO.
If I'm not streaming, It's because I'm sleep. Didn't get enough after work lol
I won't be streaming the entire episode, just the first half.
If you have a twitch account, follow me and tune in! If not... MAKE ONE. just kidding.
CHECK OUT Fyrem's Awesome Review about SHIFT. Click Here
Highly appreciated my friend ^ ^
Dang! She got served! What's the name of that anime in the gif?
Kill la Kill