August has been a busy month for me so far. Lots of commissions and Art work I have to do for my up coming site.. I get so tired, that I don't even want to open adobe flash. But SHIFT2 is coming along good, just slow.
EDIT: I also forgot to add that I noticed Newgrounds got rid of the expanding button used to stretch out the flash videos while watching. I'll be honest, I want it back.. All of my videos were made to be stretched out.(550x330) So now, I plan on redoing the Vcam size for SHIFT2(and base size of course) before I get to far into this project.
For those who don't know what SHIFT is:
/* */
For anyone who's seen me stream SHIFT2, you will notice a big difference from part 1, Its more about Struggling and her mission rather than Breaching and killing. Not saying there won't be alot of death lol. Hopefully I can finish this within september. If not, defiantly Oct.
im in awe!
oooh, thats a good thing! sweet~ :D