Ok ill be brutally honestly with you all. I'm buying my I-phone 4s day one. November 1st i wont touch this laptop because Im buying Sonic Generation. (Sonic the hedgehog nerdling, thats me.) Modern warfare 3 i wont even mention.
I shall post a picture(three) update Around the 28 - 30. From there you wont hear from me for awhile. unitl November 1st, Im going to work my ass off on this flash. I had to redo the first fight because Im an idiot. And Im beginning to start my lazy days again... Im trying my hardest to release this sh*t before 2012.
So for now... bare with me and enjoy the digital bunny "Tabeko" I made below. tell me what you think of it, and if you have any questions feel free to ask, I usually check my page everyday now.
eh, i haven't played a sonic game since adventure 2, the best one in my opinion.
and i hope you can release a vid before 2012 man!
dooo it!
yes! adventure 2 was the best!!(out of the 3-D)
and ill try my best! ^ ^